Traditional Worship Service Times
Worship Service - 10:45 a.m.
Wednesday Night D-Groups - 7:00 p.m. (call church office for locations at: 252-797-4680.)
Are You Looking For.......
Piano & Organ Music?
We traditionally use the piano,
organ, flute, and percussion
every Sunday morning.
Traditional Hymns?
The Traditional hymns like
The Old Rugged Cross
are our old time favorites.
A Weekly Connection With Our Lord?
Communion is taken each week together
as a church family after our communion
meditation. The disposable communion cups
are available at each entrance to the church.
A Way To Give Back To God?
Giving of tithes and offerings is done
a little different here. We have offering plates
at the doors to the sanctuary. Give back to
God as you have been blessed.
Comfortable Attire?
We have no dress codes for attending services.
As long as it is respectable, casual attire is perfectly fine.