Transfers & Baptisms
Patti Woodley
Patti Woodley was rebaptized into Christ and placed her membership with us on August 22, 2021! Please join us in welcoming Patti and encouraging her in her Christian walk!
Jewel Samson
Jewel Samson gave her life to Christ and was baptized on August 8, 2021! Please join us in welcoming Jewel and encouraging her in her Christian walk!
Joel & Robin Harris
Nate Campbell
Nate Campbell gave his life to Christ and was baptized on June 13, 2021! Please join us in welcoming Nate and encouraging him in his Christian walk!
Jimmy & Joy Davenport
Jimmy and Joy Davenport came forward to place their membership at the conclusion of Contemporary Service on May 30, 2021! Join us in welcoming them to our church family!
Gabriel Marlow
Gabriel Marlow gave his life to the Lord and was baptized on May 2, 2021! He is Jonathan and Chelsea Phelps’ son. Please join us in congratulating Gabriel and encouraging him in his Christian walk!
Leslie Coltrain & Children
Leslie Coltrain, along with her children, Caiden and Alana, came forward to place membership at the conclusion of Contemporary Service on March 21, 2021! Join us in welcoming them to our church family!
Sarah Byrum & Children
Sarah Byrum, along with her two children, Stuart and Madeline, placed membership at the conclusion of Contemporary Service on March 7, 2021! Sarah is the wife of Preston Byrum, who was baptized after Contemporary Service in February. Join us in welcoming the Byrum family!
Preston Byrum
Preston Byrum gave his life to Christ and was baptized on February 14, 2021! He is the husband of Sarah Byrum, and father to Stuart and Madeline. Let's congratulate Preston and encourage him in his walk with Christ!
Wyatt Phelps
Wyatt Phelps gave his life to Christ and was baptized on December 6, 2020! Let's welcome Wyatt and encourage him in his walk with the Lord!
Ron and Ginny Ambrose & Daughters
Ron and Ginny Ambrose, along with their daughters (Cara and Callee), came forward on December 29, 2019 to become part of our church! Let's welcome them to our church family!
Mary Dean Davenport
Mary Dean Davenport gave her life to Christ and was baptized on October 27, 2019! Let's welcome Mary Dean and encourage her as she walks with the Lord!
Jeremy & Jessica Phelps
Jeremy and Jessica came forward on June 2nd to become a part of our church! Let's continue to make them feel welcome & keep them in our prayers!
Kristy Byers
Kristy Byers came forward on June 2nd to become a part of our church! Let's continue to make her feel welcome & keep her in our prayers!
Jerry & Kristy Radford
Jerry and Kristy Radford came forward on June 12th to become a part of our church! Let's continue to make them feel welcome & keep them in our prayers!
Leah Woodley
Leah Woodley decided to give her life to Christ & follow in believers baptism April 10, 2019. Praise God for leading another one of our kids to become part of the Body of Christ!
Charles & Stephanie Berry & Kids
Charles, Stephanie, and their two kids (Lara & Rachel) came forward to become a part of our church! Let's continue to make them feel welcome & keep them in our prayers!
Joey & Robyn Berry & Kids
Joey, Robyn, and their two kids (Brandon & Courtney) came forward to become a part of our church! Let's continue to make them feel welcome & keep them in our prayers!
Dustin Leary & Sarah Graham
Dustin & Sarah (recently engaged) came forward to become a part of our church! Let's continue to make them feel welcome & keep them in our prayers!
Jimmy Maxwell
Kat Ja Cabarrus
Kat Ja Cabarrus decided to give her life to Christ & follow in believers baptism Dec. 2, 2018. Praise God for a new sister in Christ!
Kendale Cabarrus
Kendale Cabarrus decided to give his life to Christ & follow in believers baptism Sept. 30th, 2018. Praise God for leading another one of our kids to become part of the Body of Christ!
Candy Muncey & Elijah Pilkington
Candy & Elijah (mother & son) came forward to become a part of our church! Let's continue to make them feel welcome & keep them in our prayers!
Crystal Vanhorn
Crystal came forward to place here membership with us! Let's keep her in our prayers as she goes down a new journey with her new decision!
Daniel & Rachel Jeans
Daniel & Rachel came forward to become members here at Philippi and we are so excited to have them! Keep them in your prayers for God's plans for them here!
David & Rebecca Jones-Grooms
We welcome David & Rebecca into our Church Family! Let us pray for what God has for them here at Philippi!
Chris & Mary Chatfield
Chris & Mary made the decision to come forward with her parents last Sun & move their membership as well. It was exciting to see the whole family make their decision together!
Bob & Lucy Inglis
Bob & Lucy came forward last Sun., July 2 to move their membership to Philippi!
Jeff & Debi Graham
We are so excited that Jeff & Debi decided to place their membership with us! It is a joy to officially call them a part of the family here at Philippi.
Sheli Murray
Sheli Murray came forward this Mother's Day to become a member here at Philippi. What exciting news!
Jami Murray
This Mother's Day Jami made the decision to accept Jesus as her Savior & follow in believers baptism. She also brought her daughter (Reagan) to the front for a baby dedication. Lets keep her in our prayers & encourage her as she takes this new journey in her life as a Christian!
Coral & Evan McQuigg
Coral & Evan (children of Rachel Hoffman) decided to come forward the first Sun. of May to become new followers of Christ! Together they got baptized & together they'll get to start this next chapter in their life! Lets keep them in our prayers!
Eli Spruill
Eli came forward April 30 during our morning services to be rebaptized. What a rewarding decision to make.
Evan Berk
Sun., April 23, Evan made the choice to become a member here at Philippi! Lets keep him in our prayers as he'll be going off to college this Fall!
Trey & Jessica Kaukola
Trey & Jessica Kaukola decided to place their membership with Philippi officially Easter Sunday. What an exciting decision we can rejoice with.
Gina Wells
Gina Wells came forward to officially place her membership with us! We are excited to welcome her with the decision she has made.
Chad & Sandy Swain
Chad & Sandy Swain decided to come forward as a couple to make some big decisions for their lives. Chad decided to give his life to Christ & become baptized. Whereas Sandy decided to more her membership to Philippi! What a great thing to rejoice about!
Nolan Patrick
Nolan Patrick decided to give his life to Christ & follow in believers baptism March 5th. Praise God for leading another one of our teens to become part of the Body of Christ!
Allie Hufton
Allie was baptized February 26th after Josh gave an awesome message on how we can never handle it all, but God can. God started speaking to her at CCYC, and Allie decided to respond to Him that next Sunday. What an awesome decision to make! Praise God!
Jessica Kitchengs
Jessica was baptized February 5th during that Sunday morning service. She felt God calling her to be a part of the body of Christ. Thank God that she listened to His calling!
Rachel Hofmann
Rachel decided to give her life to Christ after having a deep conversation with one of her fellow D-group friends. Her D-group was able to celebrate with her as she got baptized that Wednesday night February 1st. Praise God!
Jessi Cayton
Jessi decided to step forward with her father and was baptized January 29th. During a Sunday evening service she was lead to make the decision to give God her whole heart. What a wonderful decision to make!
Guy Cayton
Guy Cayton was baptized along side his daughter, Jessi, January 29th during the Sunday evening service. He God tugging at his heart to make changes in his life. Praise God!
Brittany Phelps
Brittany Phelps was rebaptized Sunday, September 11th. She felt God's handing pulling her to the cross & was immersed in Christian baptism. May God bless her for her decision.
Steve Ralph
Steve Ralph was rebaptized Sunday, September 11th after the contemporary worship service. God has been working on his heart over the last few months. We praise the Lord for bringing Ralph into His Church.
Cara Spruill
Cara Spruill was baptized Sunday, August 28th. We praise God for her decision to give her life to Christ & to have a fresh beginning.
Katie Kennison
Sunday, August 14th, Katie Kennison gave her life to Christ & was baptized after the morning worship services. May God bless her for taking a stand for Him.
Charlotte Davis
Charlotte Davis was baptized in Lake Phelps Sunday, August 7th to received the forgiveness of sins. May we rejoice with the angels in this new birth!
Phoebe Maxwell
Phoebe Maxwell was baptized Sunday, July 17th. She confessed Christ as her personal Savior. We praise the Lord for her faith in Him & that she made this awesome decision.
Savannah Lewis
Savannah Lewis gave her life to the Lord Sunday, July 17th and was immersed in the watery grave of baptism. We praise God for her decision.
Scarlett Lewis
Scarlett Lewis professed her faith in God & was baptized in Christian baptism Sunday, July 17th. Please uplift this young lady in your prayers.
Jenna Cayton
Jenna Cayton was baptized Sunday, June 26, 2016. We pray that she continues in her walk to be faithful to God & uplift Him in her life.
Kenny Furlough
Kenny Furlough was baptized into Christ Sunday, April 17th. It was a real blessing & uplifting to see him baptized by his son, Cory.
Denise Swain
Denise Swain rededicated her life to the Lord & placed her membership with our Philippi congregation. We praise God & pray that He will use her in His kingdom.
Mary VanHorn
We praise God for Mary VanHorn's decision to be immersed in Christian baptism Sunday, March 13th. May we rally behind her in her new walk with Christ.
Wanda Snell
Wanda Snell rededicated her life to Christ & placed her membership with us here at Philippi Sunday, March 6, 2016. We praise God for her renewed spirit!
Jonathan & Chelsea Phelps
Jonathan & Chelsea Phelps were completely immersed in Christian baptism Sunday, February 21, 2016. This couple is very excited about their decision to become Christians. May we uplift them in our prayers that God will use them in His kingdom.
Michael Arnold
Michael Arnold transferred his membership to our Philippi congregation Sunday, February 7th, 2016. May God bless Michael in his new endeavor here at Philippi.
John & Penny Chapman
John & Penny Chapman placed their membership with Philippi Sunday, February 7th, 2016. We praise God for their choice to join us. Their son, Connor, is also pictured with them.
Eddie Ericksen
Eddie Ericksen was covered by the blood of Jesus in baptism Sunday, January 10, 2016. May God bless him in his new endeavor.
Aiden Davis
Sunday, December 20, 2015, Aiden Davis made the decision to be immersed in Christian baptism. We praise God for his decision & pray that Aiden will continue to grow in the Lord.
Cheryl Miller
Cheryl Miller was baptized into the Lord's church Sunday, December 20, 2015. May God bless her for her courageous decision.
Melinda Nguyen
We give God the praise as Melinda Nguyen placed her membership with our congregation Sunday, December 13, 2015. May God continue to use her in His service.
Kali Beach
Kali Beach placed her membership with us here at Philippi Sunday, December 13, 2015. We praise God for her decision. May we uplift her in our prayers that she will continue in the Lord's service.
Eugene & Susan Sexton
Sunday, November 29, 2015, Eugene & Susan Sexton placed their membership with our congregation here at Philippi. We pray that God will continue to use them in His kingdom. May uplift them in our prayers.
Fran Elliott
We welcome Fran Elliott into the Lord's church here at Philippi. She was immersed in Christian baptism Sunday, November 1, 2015. May God continue to use her in His kingdom.
Libby Goodwin
Libby gave her life to the Lord & was baptized Sunday, October 18, 2015. There is no better way to end Homecoming than for folks to "Come Home" to Christ. May we keep her in our prayers.
Danielle Stuessel
Danielle was baptized Sunday, October 18, 2015 at the conclusion of our Homecoming services. We praise God for her decision. May we pray for her continued strength in Christ.
Josh & Sarah Bueno
Josh & Sarah Bueno placed their membership with our congregation here at Philippi Sunday, October 18, 2015. We are excited about their decision & pray that God will continue to use them in His service.
Robert Tyler Cuthrell
Robert was immersed in Christian baptism Sunday, September 20, 2015. May he be used in God's Kingdom. Let's keep him in our prayers.
Mandy Voliva
Mandy gave her life to God Sunday, September 20, 2015. We praise God for her decision & pray for her in this new journey.
Storie Cuthrell
Storie Cuthrell made the decision to be baptized Sunday, September 20, 2015. She was immersed in Christian baptism & now is a renewed Spirit in the Lord. Let's wrap her in our prayers as she begins her new life.
Devin Craddock
Sunday, August 23, 2015, Devin Craddock placed his membership with us at Philippi. We praise God for his decision & pray that he will continue to worship God.
Andrew Dapo
Andrew Dapo gave his life to Christ in Christian baptism Sunday, July 26, 2015. We praise God for his decision. May we pray that God will use Andrew in His service.
Eva Williams
Sunday, June 28, 2015, we welcomed Eva Williams into our Philippi Church Family. On this day, she transferred her membership to our congregation.
Henderson & McKellon Snell
Henderson & McKellon Snell were baptized in Christian baptism Wednesday, June 24, 2015. May we rejoice with the angels in their decision & pray that God will guide, guard & protect them.
Brandon Cabacar
Chris Moore
Nikki Ambrose
Wednesday, March 25, 2015, we welcomed Nikki Ambrose into the Lord's church. She was baptized to wash away her sins so she can live with God in heaven when Christ comes. May we pray for her as she grows in the Lord.
Melinda Jones
Melinda Jones gave her life to the Lord Wednesday, January 28, 2015 & was immersed in Christian baptism. Let's raise her in prayer that God will give her the strength to stand firm on His Holy Word.
Harley Spruill
Sunday, January 25, 2015, we welcomed Harley Spruill into the Lord's church. She was baptized & received the gift of the Holy Spirit. May we keep this young lady in our prayers that God may use her in His kingdom.
Tim & Amber Ambrose
Tim Ambrose was baptized Sunday, November 23, 2014. We praise God for Tim's decision to be a part of Christ. His wife, Amber, placed her membership with us. May we uplift this family in our prayers that God will strengthen them in their walk with Christ.
Charles & Connie Davis
Charles & Connie Davis came forward to rededicate their lives to Christ & to get a fresh start by placing their membership with us here at Philippi. May we uplift them & their family in our prayers.
Colby Patrick
Colby Patrick was baptized into the Lord's family Sunday, November 16, 2014. God has been using her & we pray that He will continue to do so.
Steve & Jamie Ralph
Caddie Capps
Caddie Capps transferred her membership to our congregation Saturday, September 20, 2014. May God bless her as she continues to walk with Him.
Samantha Wilcox
We welcome Samantha Wilcox into the Lord's church. She was baptized Wednesday, September 10, 2014. We praise God for her decision & pray that she continues to walk in His way.
Jaquan Jones
Jaquan Jones received the gift of the Holy Spirit August 1, 2014. He was immersed in Christian baptism. May God bless him in his new journey.
Joshua Phillips
We welcome Joshua Phillips as he gives his life to Christ in baptism July 30, 2014. We praise God as the angels rejoice.
Nick Phelps
Nick Phelps accepted God as his personal Savior & was immersed in Christian baptism Thursday, June 12, 2014. May we uplift him in our prayers as he begins this new journey with Christ.
Cody Belangia & Jay Pollard
We welcome new Christians, Cody Belangia & Jay Pollard, on Wednesday, June 11, 2014. We are so happy that these teens have decided to live the rest of their life for the Lord!
Courtney Reynolds
Courtney Reynolds rededicated her to life Christ on the evening of Sunday, June 8, 2014. Let's surround her with pray that she will be steadfast in the Lord. May God bless her in His service.
Michael Davenport
Michael Davenport was baptized in Christian Baptism Sunday, June 1, 2014. We are so excited about his commitment to Christ & pray that God will use Michael in His service.
Raffael & Beth Farrow
On Sunday, May 11, 2014 , Raffael & Beth Farrow placed their membership with our congregation here at Philippi. We praise God for their decision. May we uplift this couple in our prayers.
Savanna & Kathy Spruill
Savanna (on left) was immersed in the watery grave of baptism Sunday, May 4, 2014. Her mom, Kathy Spruill (on right), placed her membership with our congregation on the same day. We welcome these women into our congregation & pray that God will use them in His kingdom.
Shane Lanier
Shane Lanier was baptized on Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014. The angels rejoiced as this young man has came home to God.
Kate Clifton
Kate Clifton gave her life to Christ Saturday, March 22, 2014. She immersed in baptism to receive the forgiveness of sin & to raise as a new being in Christ. We pray that God will use her as she begins her walk in the Lord.
Her husband Carl Clifton (featured in the photo) was baptized on January 5, 2014.
Katelyn Cooper
Katie Cooper was baptized in the Lord Sunday, March 16, 2014. We praise God for her decision to be committed to Christ. May we each uplift her in our words & prayer.
Jesse Williams & Megan Spencer
Sunday, March 2, 2014, we welcomed Jesse Williams & Megan Spencer into our family here at Philippi. They both transferred their membership. We are so happy and blessed to have them as a part of our congregation. May God bless them!
David Gooden
David Gooden came to the Lord Wednesday, January 5, 2014 at the conclusion of the youth program. Many of our youth & D-Group members were there to welcome him into the Lord's family. We praise God for his decision!
Tim Snell
On Sunday, January 12, 2014, Tim Snell placed his membership with our congregation here at Philippi. We praise God for Tim's decision! Let's lift him up in our prayers.
Carl Clifton
Carl Clifton came forward Sunday, January 5, 2014 to be baptized. What a wonderful way to start the new year! May we pray for him as he begins his new life in Christ.
Mother & Daughter Duo - Karen & Ashley Spruill
7 New Members at Philippi COC!
David & Linda Gallop, Josh & Ashley White, & Moose & Tommie Gail Barnes placed their membership with our congregation Sunday, December 8th. We welcome each of these couples as well as Baby Amelia (Josh & Ashley's baby). Let's uplift these families in our prayers.
Jerry, Hannah, & Hunter Davenport
Sunday, December 1, 2013, we welcomed a new family into our congregation. Jerry, Hannah, & Hunter Davenport placed their membership with our congregation. May the Lord use them & continue to bless them.
Eddie & Crystal Maxwell & Family
We welcomed the Maxwell family into our congregation, Sunday, November 17, 2013. Eddie Maxwell was baptized. His wife, Crystal, moved her membership. We praise God for their decision.
Eddie & Crystal Maxwell & their 2 girls
Rabecca Phelps
Sunday, November 17, 2013, Rabecca Phelps gave her life to Christ. She was immersed in Christian baptism & received the gift of the Holy Spirit. May God bless her along her journey.
Cissy Hogg
Sunday, September 15, 2013, we welcomed Cissy Hogg as a new member in our congregation. Pray that God will continue to use her in his Kingdom as she journeys with Christ.
Maurice Person
On September 8, 2013, Maurice Person made the decision to be immersed in Christian baptism and received Christ as his Savior. We praise the Lord for his decision. Continue to keep him in your prayers as he begins his new life with God.
Sharie Person
On August 25, 2013, Sharie Person rededicated her life to the Lord and placed her membership with us here at Philippi. We give God the glory for her decision. Let's keep her in our prayers as she renews her relationship with God.
Trey Lanier
Trey Lanier gave his life to Christ and was baptized Sunday, July 28, 2013. Let's wrap him in our prayers as he begins his life anew.
Clarence "Buddy" BrinnBuddy came forward to be baptized Sunday, July 21, 2013. May we keep him in our prayers as he begins
this new journey with Christ. |
Paul ElliottPaul Elliott also came forward to be baptized Sunday, July 21, 2013. Let's keep him in our prayers as he has made the decision to renew his commitment to Christ.
Michael Styons
On Saturday, July 20, 2013, Michael Styons was immersed in baptism and received the gift of salvation. We praise God for his decision.
Bailey Taggi
Bailey Taggi gave his life to Lord in Christian baptism Wednesday, July 17, 2013. It is so heartwarming to see another person choose to be a child of God. Let's keep him in our prayers as he seeks God's plan for his life.
Julia Lanier
Julia Lanier was baptized into the body of Christ Wednesday, July 10, 2013. We praise God for her committment to the Lord. Continue to pray for each of our new Christians as they learn to grow in Jesus.
Lacie Brinn and her daughter, Katelyn Cooper were immersed in the watery grave of baptism Sunday, June 30, 2013. May God use them in the building up of His kingdom.
Mark Edward Ervin
On Saturday June 15, 2013, Mark Edward Ervin gave his life to the Lord. He was baptized and received the filling of the Holy Spirit. May we keep him in our prayers as he begins his new life with Jesus.
Morgan BarnesOn Sunday, May 12, 2013, Morgan Barnes was cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Kevin McNeil baptized her into Christ. The angels rejoice for her decision!
Regina HardeeRegina Hardee rededicated her life to the Lord on Sunday, May 12, 2013. May we lift her up in prayer as she gets a fresh start in her walk with the Lord.
Susie Ainsley
On Sunday, May 5, 2013, Susie Ainsley placed her membership with our congregation. She has been attending with us on a regular basis for quite some time and has been a real blessing to us. We praise God for her commitment to Christ. May we continue to rally behind her as she continues her walk with the Lord.
Tracy & Ervin Spencer, EJ Spencer, Naomi Spencer, & Austin Ainsley
Tracy & Ervin Spencer placed their membership with our congregation on April 21, 2013. Two of their children, EJ and Naomi were baptized in Christian baptism on this same day. To add to the joy, Austin Ainsley made the decision to live for Christ and was also baptized later that afternoon. We praise God for each of their commitments and pray that He will use their lives to build His kingdom.
Carrie Armstrong
Carrie Armstrong made the good confession on April 14, 2013 and was baptized on April 21, 2013. We praise God for her commitment to the Lord.
Cody Tetterton
Cody Tetterton was baptized on Wednesday, April 17, 2013. Let's wrap this young man in our prayers as he grows in Christ.
Joel Reynolds, Courtney Smith, Tony & Carrie Armstrong, and Katie Woodley
Joel Reynolds, Courtney Smith, and Tony Armstrong placed their membership with us on Sunday, April 14, 2013. Katie Woodley was baptized an Carre Armstrong made the good confession on this special day. Carrie will be baptized this Sunday, April 21, 2013. It is so good to see people making the decision to follow Jesus!
Curtis Smith
Curtis Smith placed his membership with us on Sunday, March 17, 2013. It is a blessing to have him worshiping with us! Let's lift him up to the Lord as he begins his journey with our congregation.
Pete & Agnes Midgette
Pete & Agnes Midgette placed their membership with Philippi Church on Sunday, March 3, 2013. We praise God for their decision to be a part of our congregation. Lift them up in your prayers as they begin their journey with us.
Pam Simmons
We welcomed Pam Simmons into our congregation on Sunday, February 17, 2013. It is a blessing to have her worshiping with us here at Philippi. As you pray, lift her up to the Lord.
Kenneth & Jessica Barnes
Kenneth & Jessica Barnes made the commitment to God to be baptized in Christian baptism. They were baptized on Sunday, February 3, 2013. Let's lift this couple up to the Lord as they develop their relationship with Christ.
Joyce Bateman & Connie Hudson
Joyce Bateman & Connie Hudson transferred their membership to Philippi Church of Christ on Sunday, February 3, 2013. We give God the glory for his decision. Let's keep them in our prayers as they continue to grow in the Lord.
Shawn Mims & Elizabeth Woolard
Shawn Mims was baptized into the Lord's church on Saturday, January 12, 2013. Elizabeth Woolard also made the decision to be baptized and was baptized into the Lord's army on Sunday, January 13, 2013. We praise God for their decision!
Angela Perkins
We are so excited that Angela Perkins gave her life to the Lord on Sunday, January 13, 2013! She was immersed into Christian baptism and became a child of God. Praise God for her commitment to his work!
Harold & Reva Roberson
We welcome Harold & Reva Roberson into our congregation! They transferred their membership on Sunday, January 13, 2013. Keep them in your prayers as they begin their ministry here at Philippi.
Lindsey Gerth, Chelsea Dickerson, and Cameron Elliott
We want to welcome Lindsey Gerth, Chelsea Dickerson, and Cameron Elliott into the Lord's church here at Philippi. They transferred their membership on December 30th. We praise God for their commitment!
Sam, Lorraine, & Eli Spruill
We are so excited to welcome Sam, Lorraine, and Eli Spruill into our family here at Philippi! They placed their membership with us on Sunday, December 16, 2012. We thank God for their dedication to the Lord.
Gavin Boyd
Gavin Boyd gave his life to the Lord on Sunday, December 9, 2012. We praise God that he has stepped up to the plate and wants to work for the Lord. Uplift him in your prayers as begins this new journey.
Donald & Julia Lanier
Donald and Julia Lanier placed their membership with our congregation on Sunday, November 25, 2012. We receive them with open hearts and arms. We give God the glory!
Hunter & Lacie Swain
Hunter and Lacie Swain gave their lives to the Lord on Sunday, November 4, 2012. We praise God for their leap of faith. Let's rally behind them as they embark on a new life with the Lord!
Allen Deaver
Allen Deaver rededicated his life and became a member of Philippi Church of Christ on Sunday, October 28, 2012. We praise God for Allen's decision. Wrap him in your prayers as he continues on his walk with the Lord.
Michael Davenport
Michael Davenport rededicated his life and became a member of Philippi Church of Christ on Sunday, October 21, 2012. We are so happy that he has made this decision. Please keep him in your prayers as he embarks on this new journey.
Mike & Wendy Boyd
Mike and Wendy Boyd placed their membership with Philippi Church of Christ on Sunday, October 14, 2012. They have three beautiful children. Keep this family in your prayers as they grow in Christ and raise their children in the Bible.